Lider Family


Lider Family Kompanija Lider Family, generalni zastupnik vodećih svetkih brednova Brief Kompanija Lider Family doo iz Beograda je relativno mlada firma, osnovana 2015. godine sa jasnim ciljem da ponudi srpskom tržištu nešto najbolje u domenu podova. Brendovi najuvaženijih stranih kompanija Bona AB, Recoll International, STARCKE Gmbh [...]

Polovni satovi

2022-09-07T09:51:18+02:00 Satovi eksklizivnih svetskih proizvođača Brief je on-line platforma sa ponudom satova najpoznatijih svetskih brendova. Print ready Well layered Korisnički panel Integrisan Shop Deliverables Isporučena gotova prezentacija u skladu sa specifnim [...]



GreenWave21 Platforma za regionalnu saradnju „Zeleni talas“ Brief GreenWave21 je platforma za regionalnu saradnju „Zeleni talas“ pokrenuta radi jačanja solidarnosti i uticaja lokalnih inicijativa na zaštitu prirode. Autor i osnivač Dragana Božinović je osnivačica Muzeja odbrane reka Stare planine u Temskoj. Print [...]



Knjigovodstvena agencija CONTOMT.RS Brief Web dizajn i idejno rešenje za knjigovodstvenu agenciju ContoMT. Vlasnik, Tatjana Jovanović samostalni knjigovođa sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u državnom i privatnom sektoru od 2007.godine osniva sopstvenu agenciju. Web dizajn Logo dizajn Korisnički panel PWA optimizacija [...]



Portal za oglašavanje S u p e r O g l a s i Brief Kompletno idejno rešenje za online portal za oglašavanje. Logistika i arhitektura razvijani u našoj kuhinji. Print ready Well layered Web design Logo design [...]



Exciting rhythmic sounds & drum loops HOW WE TACKLED THE BRIEF GIVEN TO US Brief Logo design for music brand LitLoops that sell short, organically recorded sounds and energetic rhythmic loops for music producers and songwriters. These sounds are made to inspire and fuel [...]

Out In London


Make the most of London HOW WE TACKLED THE BRIEF GIVEN TO US Brief Food, drink, events, things to do Print Design Graphic idea Deliverables Elements delivered in accordance with the client's request [...]

Coffee Company


Community Through Coffee HOW WE TACKLED THE BRIEF GIVEN TO US Brief Design a logo for Coffee Roasting Company. The company name is UrbanUs Coffee Company. The mission statement is Community Through Coffee. Client want a modern, Urban look w/ a Urban feel. [...]



Mika Contracting HOW WE TACKLED THE BRIEF GIVEN TO US Description of the organization and its target audience General Contractor Construction - Buildings, Environmental, Major Construction. Bid on projects and complete the project management and construction from start to finish. Industry Construction [...]



Our partner from Gettorf Deutschland Webdesign & Websites | Content | SEA | SEM Brief Our partner from Gettorf Deutschland, with many years of experience,  work together on many projects. Print Design Services Content Marketing Social media PPC Advertising [...]

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